Source code for

import itertools
import time
from abc import ABC
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union

import optuna
import pandas as pd
from hydra_slayer import get_from_params
from optuna.samplers import BaseSampler
from optuna.samplers import TPESampler
from optuna.storages import BaseStorage
from optuna.storages import RDBStorage
from optuna.trial import FrozenTrial
from optuna.trial import Trial
from typing_extensions import Protocol

from import ConfigSampler
from import Optuna
from import Pool
from import AbstractRunner
from import LocalRunner
from import config_hash
from import suggest_parameters
from etna.datasets import TSDataset
from etna.distributions import BaseDistribution
from etna.loggers import tslogger
from etna.metrics import MAE
from etna.metrics import MSE
from etna.metrics import SMAPE
from etna.metrics import MedAE
from etna.metrics import Metric
from etna.metrics import Sign
from etna.metrics.utils import MetricAggregationStatistics
from etna.metrics.utils import aggregate_metrics_df
from etna.pipeline.base import BasePipeline

[docs]class _Callback(Protocol): def __call__(self, metrics_df: pd.DataFrame, forecast_df: pd.DataFrame, fold_info_df: pd.DataFrame) -> None: ...
[docs]class _Initializer(Protocol): def __call__(self, pipeline: BasePipeline) -> None: ...
[docs]class AutoAbstract(ABC): """Interface for ``Auto`` object."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def fit( self, ts: TSDataset, timeout: Optional[int] = None, n_trials: Optional[int] = None, initializer: Optional[_Initializer] = None, callback: Optional[_Callback] = None, **kwargs, ) -> BasePipeline: """ Start automatic pipeline selection. Parameters ---------- ts: TSDataset to fit on. timeout: Timeout for optuna. N.B. this is timeout for each worker. By default, isn't set. n_trials: Number of trials for optuna. N.B. this is number of trials for each worker. By default, isn't set. initializer: Object that is called before each pipeline backtest, can be used to initialize loggers. callback: Object that is called after each pipeline backtest, can be used to log extra metrics. **kwargs: Additional parameters for the method. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def summary(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get trials summary. Returns ------- study_dataframe: dataframe with detailed info on each performed trial """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def top_k(self, k: int = 5) -> List[BasePipeline]: """Get top k pipelines with the best metric value. Only complete and non-duplicate studies are taken into account. Parameters ---------- k: Number of pipelines to return. Returns ------- : List of top k pipelines. """ pass
[docs]class AutoBase(AutoAbstract): """Base Class for ``Auto`` and ``Tune``, implementing core logic behind these classes.""" def __init__( self, target_metric: Metric, horizon: int, metric_aggregation: MetricAggregationStatistics = "mean", backtest_params: Optional[dict] = None, experiment_folder: Optional[str] = None, runner: Optional[AbstractRunner] = None, storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, metrics: Optional[List[Metric]] = None, ): """ Initialize AutoBase class. Parameters ---------- target_metric: Metric to optimize. horizon: Horizon to forecast for. metric_aggregation: Aggregation method for per-segment metrics. By default, mean aggregation is used. backtest_params: Custom parameters for backtest instead of default backtest parameters. experiment_folder: Name for saving experiment results, it determines the name for optuna study. By default, isn't set. runner: Runner to use for distributed training. By default, :py:class:`` is used. storage: Optuna storage to use. By default, sqlite storage is used with name "etna-auto.db". metrics: List of metrics to compute. By default, :py:class:`~etna.metrics.metrics.Sign`, :py:class:`~etna.metrics.metrics.SMAPE`, :py:class:`~etna.metrics.metrics.MAE`, :py:class:`~etna.metrics.metrics.MSE`, :py:class:`~etna.metrics.metrics.MedAE` metrics are used. """ if target_metric.greater_is_better is None: raise ValueError("target_metric.greater_is_better is None") self.target_metric = target_metric self.horizon = horizon self.metric_aggregation: MetricAggregationStatistics = metric_aggregation self.backtest_params = {} if backtest_params is None else backtest_params self.experiment_folder = experiment_folder self.runner = LocalRunner() if runner is None else runner = RDBStorage("sqlite:///etna-auto.db") if storage is None else storage metrics = [Sign(), SMAPE(), MAE(), MSE(), MedAE()] if metrics is None else metrics if str(target_metric) not in [str(metric) for metric in metrics]: metrics.append(target_metric) self.metrics = metrics def _top_k(self, summary: pd.DataFrame, k: int) -> List[BasePipeline]: metric_name = f"{}_{self.metric_aggregation}" df = summary[summary["state"].apply(lambda x: x is optuna.structs.TrialState.COMPLETE)] df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=["hash"]) df = df.sort_values( by=metric_name, ascending=(not self.target_metric.greater_is_better), ) return [pipeline for pipeline in df["pipeline"].values[:k]] # noqa: C416
[docs] def top_k(self, k: int = 5) -> List[BasePipeline]: """Get top k pipelines with the best metric value. Only complete and non-duplicate studies are taken into account. Parameters ---------- k: Number of pipelines to return. Returns ------- : List of top k pipelines. """ summary = self.summary() return self._top_k(summary=summary, k=k)
[docs]class Auto(AutoBase): """Automatic pipeline selection via defined or custom pipeline pool.""" def __init__( self, target_metric: Metric, horizon: int, metric_aggregation: MetricAggregationStatistics = "mean", backtest_params: Optional[dict] = None, experiment_folder: Optional[str] = None, pool: Union[Pool, List[BasePipeline]] = Pool.default, runner: Optional[AbstractRunner] = None, storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, metrics: Optional[List[Metric]] = None, ): """ Initialize Auto class. Parameters ---------- target_metric: Metric to optimize. horizon: Horizon to forecast for. metric_aggregation: Aggregation method for per-segment metrics. By default, mean aggregation is used. backtest_params: Custom parameters for backtest instead of default backtest parameters. experiment_folder: Name for saving experiment results, it determines the name for optuna study. By default, isn't set. pool: Pool of pipelines to choose from. By default, default pool from :py:class:`` is used. runner: Runner to use for distributed training. By default, :py:class:`` is used. storage: Optuna storage to use. By default, sqlite storage is used. metrics: List of metrics to compute. By default, :py:class:`~etna.metrics.metrics.Sign`, :py:class:`~etna.metrics.metrics.SMAPE`, :py:class:`~etna.metrics.metrics.MAE`, :py:class:`~etna.metrics.metrics.MSE`, :py:class:`~etna.metrics.metrics.MedAE` metrics are used. """ super().__init__( target_metric=target_metric, horizon=horizon, metric_aggregation=metric_aggregation, backtest_params=backtest_params, experiment_folder=experiment_folder, runner=runner, storage=storage, metrics=metrics, ) self.pool = pool self._pool = self._make_pool(pool=pool, horizon=horizon) self._pool_optuna: Optional[Optuna] = None root_folder = f"{self.experiment_folder}/" if self.experiment_folder is not None else "" self._pool_folder = f"{root_folder}pool" @staticmethod def _make_pool(pool: Union[Pool, List[BasePipeline]], horizon: int) -> List[BasePipeline]: if isinstance(pool, Pool): list_pool: List[BasePipeline] = list(pool.value.generate(horizon=horizon)) else: list_pool = list(pool) return list_pool def _get_tuner_timeout(self, timeout: Optional[int], tune_size: int, elapsed_time: float) -> Optional[int]: if timeout is None or tune_size < 1: return None else: tune_timeout = (timeout - elapsed_time) // tune_size return int(tune_timeout) def _get_tuner_n_trials(self, n_trials: Optional[int], tune_size: int, elapsed_n_trials) -> Optional[int]: if n_trials is None or tune_size < 1: return None else: tune_n_trials = (n_trials - elapsed_n_trials) // tune_size return tune_n_trials def _fit_tuner( self, pipeline: BasePipeline, ts: TSDataset, timeout: Optional[int], n_trials: Optional[int], initializer: Optional[_Initializer], callback: Optional[_Callback], folder: str, optuna_params: Dict[str, Any], ) -> "Tune": cur_tuner = Tune( pipeline=pipeline, target_metric=self.target_metric, horizon=self.horizon, metric_aggregation=self.metric_aggregation, backtest_params=self.backtest_params, experiment_folder=folder, runner=self.runner,, metrics=self.metrics, sampler=None, ) _ = ts=ts, timeout=timeout, n_trials=n_trials, initializer=initializer, callback=callback, **optuna_params, ) return cur_tuner def _get_tune_folder(self, pipeline: BasePipeline) -> str: config = pipeline.to_dict() identifier = config_hash(config) root_folder = f"{self.experiment_folder}/" if self.experiment_folder is not None else "" folder = f"{root_folder}tuning/{identifier}" return folder def _top_k_pool(self, k: int): if self._pool_optuna is None: self._pool_optuna = self._init_pool_optuna(suppress_logging=True) pool_trials = pool_summary = self._make_pool_summary(trials=pool_trials) df = pd.DataFrame(pool_summary) return self._top_k(summary=df, k=k)
[docs] def fit( self, ts: TSDataset, timeout: Optional[int] = None, n_trials: Optional[int] = None, initializer: Optional[_Initializer] = None, callback: Optional[_Callback] = None, **kwargs, ) -> BasePipeline: """ Start automatic pipeline selection. There are two stages: - Pool stage: trying every pipeline in a pool - Tuning stage: tuning `tune_size` best pipelines from a previous stage by using :py:class``. Tuning stage starts only if limits on `n_trials` and `timeout` aren't exceeded. Tuning goes from the best pipeline to the worst, and trial limits (`n_trials`, `timeout`) are divided evenly between each pipeline. If there are no limits on number of trials only the first pipeline will be tuned until user stops the process. Parameters ---------- ts: TSDataset to fit on. timeout: Timeout for optuna. N.B. this is timeout for each worker. By default, isn't set. n_trials: Number of trials for optuna. N.B. this is number of trials for each worker. By default, isn't set. initializer: Object that is called before each pipeline backtest, can be used to initialize loggers. callback: Object that is called after each pipeline backtest, can be used to log extra metrics. **kwargs: Parameter ``tune_size`` (default: 0) determines how many pipelines to fit during tuning stage. Other parameters are passed into optuna :py:meth:``. """ tune_size = kwargs.pop("tune_size", 0) optuna_params = kwargs if self._pool_optuna is None: self._pool_optuna = self._init_pool_optuna() tslogger.log("Trying pipelines from a pool") start_pool_tuning_time = time.perf_counter() self._pool_optuna.tune( objective=self.objective( ts=ts, target_metric=self.target_metric, metric_aggregation=self.metric_aggregation, metrics=self.metrics, backtest_params=self.backtest_params, initializer=initializer, callback=callback, ), runner=self.runner, n_trials=n_trials, timeout=timeout, **optuna_params, ) pool_elapsed_time = time.perf_counter() - start_pool_tuning_time pool_elapsed_n_trials = len( tuner_timeout = self._get_tuner_timeout(timeout=timeout, tune_size=tune_size, elapsed_time=pool_elapsed_time) tuner_n_trials = self._get_tuner_n_trials( n_trials=n_trials, tune_size=tune_size, elapsed_n_trials=pool_elapsed_n_trials ) if (tuner_n_trials is None or tuner_n_trials > 0) and (tuner_timeout is None or tuner_timeout > 0): tslogger.log("Tuning best pipelines from the pool") best_pool_pipelines = self._top_k_pool(k=tune_size) for i in range(tune_size): cur_pipeline = best_pool_pipelines[i] cur_folder = self._get_tune_folder(cur_pipeline) tslogger.log(f"Tuning top-{i+1} pipeline") _ = self._fit_tuner( pipeline=cur_pipeline, ts=ts, timeout=tuner_timeout, n_trials=tuner_n_trials, initializer=initializer, callback=callback, folder=cur_folder, optuna_params=optuna_params, ) best_pipeline = self.top_k(k=1)[0] return best_pipeline
[docs] @staticmethod def objective( ts: TSDataset, target_metric: Metric, metric_aggregation: MetricAggregationStatistics, metrics: List[Metric], backtest_params: dict, initializer: Optional[_Initializer] = None, callback: Optional[_Callback] = None, ) -> Callable[[Trial], float]: """ Optuna objective wrapper for the pool stage. Parameters ---------- ts: TSDataset to fit on. target_metric: Metric to optimize. metric_aggregation: Aggregation method for per-segment metrics. metrics: List of metrics to compute. backtest_params: Custom parameters for backtest instead of default backtest parameters. initializer: Object that is called before each pipeline backtest, can be used to initialize loggers. callback: Object that is called after each pipeline backtest, can be used to log extra metrics. Returns ------- objective: function that runs specified trial and returns its evaluated score """ def _objective(trial: Trial) -> float: pipeline_config = dict() pipeline_config.update(trial.relative_params) pipeline_config.update(trial.params) pipeline: BasePipeline = get_from_params(**pipeline_config) if initializer is not None: initializer(pipeline=pipeline) metrics_df, forecast_df, fold_info_df = pipeline.backtest(ts, metrics=metrics, **backtest_params) if callback is not None: callback(metrics_df=metrics_df, forecast_df=forecast_df, fold_info_df=fold_info_df) aggregated_metrics = aggregate_metrics_df(metrics_df) for metric in aggregated_metrics: trial.set_user_attr(metric, aggregated_metrics[metric]) return aggregated_metrics[f"{}_{metric_aggregation}"] return _objective
def _init_pool_optuna(self, suppress_logging: bool = False) -> Optuna: """Initialize optuna.""" pool = [pipeline.to_dict() for pipeline in self._pool] logging_verbosity = optuna.logging.get_verbosity() try: if suppress_logging: optuna.logging.set_verbosity(optuna.logging.ERROR) pool_optuna = Optuna( direction="maximize" if self.target_metric.greater_is_better else "minimize", study_name=self._pool_folder,, sampler=ConfigSampler(configs=pool), ) finally: optuna.logging.set_verbosity(logging_verbosity) return pool_optuna def _init_tuners(self, pool_optuna: Optuna) -> List["Tune"]: trials = configs = [trial.user_attrs["pipeline"] for trial in trials] results = [] for config in configs: cur_pipeline = get_from_params(**config) cur_folder = self._get_tune_folder(cur_pipeline) tuner = Tune( pipeline=cur_pipeline, target_metric=self.target_metric, horizon=self.horizon, metric_aggregation=self.metric_aggregation, backtest_params=self.backtest_params, experiment_folder=cur_folder, runner=self.runner,, metrics=self.metrics, sampler=None, ) results.append(tuner) return results def _make_pool_summary(self, trials: List[FrozenTrial]) -> List[dict]: """Get information from trial summary.""" study_params = [] for trial in trials: trial_pipeline: Optional[BasePipeline] = None if "pipeline" in trial.user_attrs: trial_pipeline = get_from_params(**trial.user_attrs.get("pipeline")) record = { **trial.user_attrs, "study": self._pool_folder, "pipeline": trial_pipeline, "state": trial.state, } study_params.append(record) return study_params def _make_tune_summary(self, trials: List[FrozenTrial], pipeline: BasePipeline) -> List[dict]: """Get information from trial summary.""" study = self._get_tune_folder(pipeline) study_params = [] for trial in trials: trial_pipeline: Optional[BasePipeline] = None if "pipeline" in trial.user_attrs: trial_pipeline = get_from_params(**trial.user_attrs.get("pipeline")) record = { **trial.user_attrs, "study": study, "pipeline": trial_pipeline, "state": trial.state, } study_params.append(record) return study_params
[docs] def summary(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get Auto trials summary. There are columns: - hash: hash of the pipeline; - pipeline: pipeline object; - metrics: columns with metrics' values; - state: state of the trial; - study: name of the study in which trial was made. Returns ------- study_dataframe: dataframe with detailed info on each performed trial """ if self._pool_optuna is None: self._pool_optuna = self._init_pool_optuna(suppress_logging=True) pool_trials = pool_summary = self._make_pool_summary(trials=pool_trials) tuners = self._init_tuners(self._pool_optuna) tune_pipelines = [t.pipeline for t in tuners] tune_trials = [t._init_optuna(suppress_logging=True).study.get_trials() for t in tuners] tune_summary = [self._make_tune_summary(trials=t, pipeline=p) for t, p in zip(tune_trials, tune_pipelines)] total_summary = pool_summary + list(itertools.chain(*tune_summary)) return pd.DataFrame(total_summary)
[docs]class Tune(AutoBase): """Automatic tuning of custom pipeline. This class takes given pipelines and tries to optimize its hyperparameters by using `params_to_tune`. Trials with duplicate parameters are skipped and previously computed results are returned. """ def __init__( self, pipeline: BasePipeline, target_metric: Metric, horizon: int, metric_aggregation: MetricAggregationStatistics = "mean", backtest_params: Optional[dict] = None, experiment_folder: Optional[str] = None, runner: Optional[AbstractRunner] = None, storage: Optional[BaseStorage] = None, metrics: Optional[List[Metric]] = None, sampler: Optional[BaseSampler] = None, params_to_tune: Optional[Dict[str, BaseDistribution]] = None, ): """ Initialize Tune class. Parameters ---------- pipeline: Pipeline to optimize. target_metric: Metric to optimize. horizon: Horizon to forecast for. metric_aggregation: Aggregation method for per-segment metrics. By default, mean aggregation is used. backtest_params: Custom parameters for backtest instead of default backtest parameters. experiment_folder: Name for saving experiment results, it determines the name for optuna study. By default, isn't set. runner: Runner to use for distributed training. By default, :py:class:`` is used. storage: Optuna storage to use. By default, sqlite storage is used with name "etna-auto.db". metrics: List of metrics to compute. By default, :py:class:`~etna.metrics.metrics.Sign`, :py:class:`~etna.metrics.metrics.SMAPE`, :py:class:`~etna.metrics.metrics.MAE`, :py:class:`~etna.metrics.metrics.MSE`, :py:class:`~etna.metrics.metrics.MedAE` metrics are used. sampler: Optuna sampler to use. By default, TPE sampler is used. params_to_tune: Parameters of pipeline that should be tuned with corresponding tuning distributions. By default, `pipeline.params_to_tune()` is used. """ super().__init__( target_metric=target_metric, horizon=horizon, metric_aggregation=metric_aggregation, backtest_params=backtest_params, experiment_folder=experiment_folder, runner=runner, storage=storage, metrics=metrics, ) self.pipeline = pipeline if sampler is None: self.sampler: BaseSampler = TPESampler(seed=0) else: self.sampler = sampler if params_to_tune is None: self.params_to_tune = pipeline.params_to_tune() else: self.params_to_tune = params_to_tune self._optuna: Optional[Optuna] = None
[docs] def fit( self, ts: TSDataset, timeout: Optional[int] = None, n_trials: Optional[int] = None, initializer: Optional[_Initializer] = None, callback: Optional[_Callback] = None, **kwargs, ) -> BasePipeline: """ Start automatic pipeline tuning. Parameters ---------- ts: TSDataset to fit on. timeout: Timeout for optuna. N.B. this is timeout for each worker. By default, isn't set. n_trials: Number of trials for optuna. N.B. this is number of trials for each worker. By default, isn't set. initializer: Object that is called before each pipeline backtest, can be used to initialize loggers. callback: Object that is called after each pipeline backtest, can be used to log extra metrics. **kwargs: Additional parameters for optuna :py:meth:``. """ optuna_params = kwargs if self._optuna is None: self._optuna = self._init_optuna() self._optuna.tune( objective=self.objective( ts=ts, pipeline=self.pipeline, params_to_tune=self.params_to_tune, target_metric=self.target_metric, metric_aggregation=self.metric_aggregation, metrics=self.metrics, backtest_params=self.backtest_params, initializer=initializer, callback=callback, ), runner=self.runner, n_trials=n_trials, timeout=timeout, **optuna_params, ) return get_from_params(**
[docs] @staticmethod def objective( ts: TSDataset, pipeline: BasePipeline, params_to_tune: Dict[str, BaseDistribution], target_metric: Metric, metric_aggregation: MetricAggregationStatistics, metrics: List[Metric], backtest_params: dict, initializer: Optional[_Initializer] = None, callback: Optional[_Callback] = None, ) -> Callable[[Trial], float]: """ Optuna objective wrapper. Parameters ---------- ts: TSDataset to fit on. pipeline: Pipeline to tune. params_to_tune: Parameters of pipeline that should be tuned with corresponding tuning distributions. target_metric: Metric to optimize. metric_aggregation: Aggregation method for per-segment metrics. metrics: List of metrics to compute. backtest_params: Custom parameters for backtest instead of default backtest parameters. initializer: Object that is called before each pipeline backtest, can be used to initialize loggers. callback: Object that is called after each pipeline backtest, can be used to log extra metrics. Returns ------- objective: function that runs specified trial and returns its evaluated score """ def _find_duplicate_trial(trial: Trial, pipeline: BasePipeline) -> Optional[FrozenTrial]: pipeline_hash = config_hash(pipeline.to_dict()) for t in if t.state != optuna.structs.TrialState.COMPLETE: continue if t.user_attrs.get("hash") == pipeline_hash: return t return None def _objective(trial: Trial) -> float: params_suggested = suggest_parameters(trial=trial, params_to_tune=params_to_tune) pipeline_trial_params: BasePipeline = pipeline.set_params(**params_suggested) duplicate_trial = _find_duplicate_trial(trial, pipeline_trial_params) if duplicate_trial is not None: for param_name, param_value in duplicate_trial.user_attrs.items(): trial.set_user_attr(param_name, param_value) metric_value = trial.user_attrs[f"{}_{metric_aggregation}"] return metric_value else: if initializer is not None: initializer(pipeline=pipeline_trial_params) metrics_df, forecast_df, fold_info_df = pipeline_trial_params.backtest( ts, metrics=metrics, **backtest_params ) if callback is not None: callback(metrics_df=metrics_df, forecast_df=forecast_df, fold_info_df=fold_info_df) trial.set_user_attr("pipeline", pipeline_trial_params.to_dict()) trial.set_user_attr("hash", config_hash(pipeline_trial_params.to_dict())) aggregated_metrics = aggregate_metrics_df(metrics_df) for metric in aggregated_metrics: trial.set_user_attr(metric, aggregated_metrics[metric]) return aggregated_metrics[f"{}_{metric_aggregation}"] return _objective
def _init_optuna(self, suppress_logging: bool = False) -> Optuna: """Initialize optuna.""" logging_verbosity = optuna.logging.get_verbosity() try: if suppress_logging: optuna.logging.set_verbosity(optuna.logging.ERROR) optuna_obj = Optuna( direction="maximize" if self.target_metric.greater_is_better else "minimize", study_name=self.experiment_folder,, sampler=self.sampler, ) finally: optuna.logging.set_verbosity(logging_verbosity) return optuna_obj def _summary(self, trials: List[FrozenTrial]) -> List[dict]: """Get information from trial summary.""" study_params = [] for trial in trials: trial_pipeline: Optional[BasePipeline] = None if "pipeline" in trial.user_attrs: trial_pipeline = get_from_params(**trial.user_attrs.get("pipeline")) record = { **trial.user_attrs, "pipeline": trial_pipeline, "state": trial.state, } study_params.append(record) return study_params
[docs] def summary(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get trials summary. There are columns: - hash: hash of the pipeline; - pipeline: pipeline object; - metrics: columns with metrics' values; - state: state of the trial. Returns ------- study_dataframe: dataframe with detailed info on each performed trial """ if self._optuna is None: self._optuna = self._init_optuna() trials = study_params = self._summary(trials=trials) return pd.DataFrame(study_params)