Source code for etna.models.nn.tft

import warnings
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Union

import pandas as pd

from etna import SETTINGS
from etna.datasets.tsdataset import TSDataset
from etna.distributions import BaseDistribution
from etna.distributions import FloatDistribution
from etna.distributions import IntDistribution
from etna.models.base import PredictionIntervalContextRequiredAbstractModel
from etna.models.base import log_decorator
from etna.models.mixins import SaveNNMixin
from etna.models.nn.utils import PytorchForecastingDatasetBuilder
from etna.models.nn.utils import PytorchForecastingMixin
from etna.models.nn.utils import _DeepCopyMixin

if SETTINGS.torch_required:
    from import TimeSeriesDataSet
    from pytorch_forecasting.metrics import MultiHorizonMetric
    from pytorch_forecasting.metrics import QuantileLoss
    from pytorch_forecasting.models import TemporalFusionTransformer
    from pytorch_lightning import LightningModule

[docs]class TFTModel(_DeepCopyMixin, PytorchForecastingMixin, SaveNNMixin, PredictionIntervalContextRequiredAbstractModel): """Wrapper for :py:class:`pytorch_forecasting.models.temporal_fusion_transformer.TemporalFusionTransformer`. Notes ----- We save :py:class:`` in instance to use it in the model. It`s not right pattern of using Transforms and TSDataset. """ def __init__( self, decoder_length: Optional[int] = None, encoder_length: Optional[int] = None, dataset_builder: Optional[PytorchForecastingDatasetBuilder] = None, train_batch_size: int = 64, test_batch_size: int = 64, lr: float = 1e-3, hidden_size: int = 16, lstm_layers: int = 1, attention_head_size: int = 4, dropout: float = 0.1, hidden_continuous_size: int = 8, loss: "MultiHorizonMetric" = None, trainer_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, quantiles_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Initialize TFT wrapper. Parameters ---------- decoder_length: Decoder length. encoder_length: Encoder length. dataset_builder: Dataset builder for PytorchForecasting. train_batch_size: Train batch size. test_batch_size: Test batch size. lr: Learning rate. hidden_size: Hidden size of network which can range from 8 to 512. lstm_layers: Number of LSTM layers. attention_head_size: Number of attention heads. dropout: Dropout rate. hidden_continuous_size: Hidden size for processing continuous variables. loss: Loss function taking prediction and targets. Defaults to :py:class:`pytorch_forecasting.metrics.QuantileLoss`. trainer_kwargs: Additional arguments for pytorch_lightning Trainer. quantiles_kwargs: Additional arguments for computing quantiles, look at ``to_quantiles()`` method for your loss. """ super().__init__() if loss is None: loss = QuantileLoss() if dataset_builder is not None: self.encoder_length = dataset_builder.max_encoder_length self.decoder_length = dataset_builder.max_prediction_length self.dataset_builder = dataset_builder elif encoder_length is not None and decoder_length is not None: self.encoder_length = encoder_length self.decoder_length = decoder_length self.dataset_builder = PytorchForecastingDatasetBuilder( max_encoder_length=encoder_length, min_encoder_length=encoder_length, max_prediction_length=decoder_length, time_varying_known_reals=["time_idx"], time_varying_unknown_reals=["target"], target_normalizer=None, ) else: raise ValueError("You should provide either dataset_builder or encoder_length and decoder_length") self.train_batch_size = train_batch_size self.test_batch_size = test_batch_size = lr self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.lstm_layers = lstm_layers self.attention_head_size = attention_head_size self.dropout = dropout self.hidden_continuous_size = hidden_continuous_size self.loss = loss self.trainer_params = trainer_params if trainer_params is not None else dict() self.quantiles_kwargs = quantiles_kwargs if quantiles_kwargs is not None else dict() self.model: Optional[Union[LightningModule, TemporalFusionTransformer]] = None self._last_train_timestamp = None self.kwargs = kwargs def _from_dataset(self, ts_dataset: TimeSeriesDataSet) -> LightningModule: """ Construct TemporalFusionTransformer. Returns ------- LightningModule class instance. """ return TemporalFusionTransformer.from_dataset( ts_dataset, learning_rate=[], hidden_size=self.hidden_size, lstm_layers=self.lstm_layers, attention_head_size=self.attention_head_size, dropout=self.dropout, hidden_continuous_size=self.hidden_continuous_size, loss=self.loss, ) @property def context_size(self) -> int: """Context size of the model.""" return self.encoder_length
[docs] @log_decorator def forecast( self, ts: TSDataset, prediction_size: int, prediction_interval: bool = False, quantiles: Sequence[float] = (0.025, 0.975), return_components: bool = False, ) -> TSDataset: """Make predictions. This method will make autoregressive predictions. Parameters ---------- ts: Dataset with features prediction_size: Number of last timestamps to leave after making prediction. Previous timestamps will be used as a context for models that require it. prediction_interval: If True returns prediction interval for forecast quantiles: Levels of prediction distribution. By default 2.5% and 97.5% are taken to form a 95% prediction interval return_components: If True additionally returns forecast components Returns ------- TSDataset TSDataset with predictions. """ if return_components: raise NotImplementedError("This mode isn't currently implemented!") ts, prediction_dataloader = self._make_target_prediction(ts, prediction_size) if prediction_interval: if not isinstance(self.loss, QuantileLoss): warnings.warn( "Quantiles can't be computed because TFTModel supports this only if QunatileLoss is chosen" ) else: quantiles_predicts = self.model.predict( # type: ignore prediction_dataloader, mode="quantiles", mode_kwargs={"quantiles": quantiles, **self.quantiles_kwargs}, ).numpy() # shape (segments, encoder_length, len(quantiles)) loss_quantiles = self.loss.quantiles computed_quantiles_indices = [] computed_quantiles = [] not_computed_quantiles = [] for quantile in quantiles: if quantile in loss_quantiles: computed_quantiles.append(quantile) computed_quantiles_indices.append(loss_quantiles.index(quantile)) else: not_computed_quantiles.append(quantile) if not_computed_quantiles: warnings.warn( f"Quantiles: {not_computed_quantiles} can't be computed because loss wasn't fitted on them" ) quantiles_predicts = quantiles_predicts[:, :, computed_quantiles_indices] quantiles = computed_quantiles quantiles_predicts = quantiles_predicts.transpose((1, 0, 2)) # shape (encoder_length, segments, len(quantiles)) quantiles_predicts = quantiles_predicts.reshape(quantiles_predicts.shape[0], -1) # shape (encoder_length, segments * len(quantiles)) df = ts.df segments = ts.segments quantile_columns = [f"target_{quantile:.4g}" for quantile in quantiles] columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([segments, quantile_columns]) quantiles_df = pd.DataFrame(quantiles_predicts[: len(df)], columns=columns, index=df.index) df = pd.concat((df, quantiles_df), axis=1) df = df.sort_index(axis=1) ts.df = df return ts
[docs] @log_decorator def predict( self, ts: TSDataset, prediction_size: int, prediction_interval: bool = False, quantiles: Sequence[float] = (0.025, 0.975), return_components: bool = False, ) -> TSDataset: """Make predictions. This method will make predictions using true values instead of predicted on a previous step. It can be useful for making in-sample forecasts. Parameters ---------- ts: Dataset with features prediction_size: Number of last timestamps to leave after making prediction. Previous timestamps will be used as a context. prediction_interval: If True returns prediction interval for forecast quantiles: Levels of prediction distribution. By default 2.5% and 97.5% are taken to form a 95% prediction interval return_components: If True additionally returns prediction components Returns ------- TSDataset TSDataset with predictions. """ raise NotImplementedError("Method predict isn't currently implemented!")
[docs] def get_model(self) -> Any: """Get internal model that is used inside etna class. Model is the instance of :py:class:`pytorch_forecasting.models.temporal_fusion_transformer.TemporalFusionTransformer`. Returns ------- : Internal model """ return self.model
[docs] def params_to_tune(self) -> Dict[str, BaseDistribution]: """Get default grid for tuning hyperparameters. This grid tunes parameters: ``hidden_size``, ``lstm_layers``, ``dropout``, ``attention_head_size``, ``lr``. Other parameters are expected to be set by the user. Returns ------- : Grid to tune. """ return { "hidden_size": IntDistribution(low=4, high=64, step=4), "lstm_layers": IntDistribution(low=1, high=3), "dropout": FloatDistribution(low=0, high=0.5), "attention_head_size": IntDistribution(low=2, high=8, step=2), "lr": FloatDistribution(low=1e-5, high=1e-2, log=True), }